Kim Jung Hoon's ex claims they were still dating when he was on the dating show !

Article: Kim Jung Hoon's ex-girlfriend reps, "They were still dating when he was on the variety show... She will go through with the birth of the baby"

Source: News 24 via Naver

1. [+6,169, -296] The fact that he mentioned at all that he'd only take responsibility of the baby IF it's his is just attacking her a second time. Abortion is illegal in our country so for him to give her a million won and ghost her while he goes on a dating variety show to giggle with another woman... that is not the mindset of a normal man, especially a man who's nearing his forties?

2. [+2,980, -104] Kim Jung Hoon - the taste of an affair! Seungri - the taste of drugs! Kim Hyun Joong - the taste of a punch!

3. [+2,254, -79] Goosebumps to think he was on the dating show, giggling and laughing with other women while he had a girlfriend the entire time.

4. [+1,222, -57] The moment that child is born... all three of their lives are going to be a mess.

5. [+676, -119] Kim Jung Hoon used to be so popular, how did he end up with barely a million won to give a woman in her thirties... Woman, go get married to someone with blessings... you should not be having a child out of malice... Stop your obsession with him, think of your child.

6. [+478, -41] Kim Jung Hoon's a mess but she should not be having that child... It's not like he's going to go back to her. Why would you want to raise the baby of a man like him..

7. [+402, -5] Whatever the truth is, I hope she makes a choice that allows her to be happy...

8. [+415, -30] You should only have the baby if you feel responsible for it... Don't have it if you're relying on the man to provide everything for you. You don't deserve to be a mother if that. A child does not have sins. They are not an excuse. They are a life.

9. [+345, -11] People are telling her to get an abortion like it's so easy!!! The woman is the one going to all the ultrasounds and listening tot he heartbeat, looking at the baby squirm inside of her... do you think it's that easy to just kill it? It was both of their mistake not using any protection but the person who is the most scared right now is this woman! She's probably too scared to kill the baby but also to have it...!! And then imagine having to see your man giggling with another woman, wearing couple T-shirts with her on TV through all this;;;

10. [+396, -64] I don't get both sides... the man doesn't want the baby.. why would she go through with it? If she really cares about the baby, she should know that the baby will grow up and eventually find out what happened... Is she not thinking of that? She's basically using the baby to ask for more money...

11. [+264, -14] It's illegal to get a paternity test during pregnancy which is why the woman is saying she's going to go through with the birth. She originally wanted to live with her parents but Kim Jung Hoon offered to get her a house and told her to leave then failed to pay the deposit.

12. [+229, -23] The people who are telling her to get an abortion don't seem to realize how dangerous or not easy that is... they're definitely not speaking from a place of genuine concern.

13. [+244, -95] Both failed to use protection and a baby was made. Both are claiming to take responsibility. However, if one side does not want the baby, you should not have it. I honestly think abortion is the best choice here, and both should be prosecuted for it. It's the best solution for both parties.