The Truth Behind the TV Show "YOU Nani Shini Nihon e?" "Why Did you Come to Japan?" !

ななしさん ID:2eqqFJEy0


【驚愕】「YOUは何しに日本へ?」の異常性がたった一枚の画像で表されてしまう 1枚目の画像です

Left: "You ha Nani Shini Nihon e?" Break down of interviewees
41.8% North America
38.5% Europe
6.6% Oceania
5.7% South Africa
5.7% Special
1.6% Asia

Right: "Breakdown of Actual Numbers of Visitors to Japan"
85.7% Asian
5.6% Europe
6.3% North America
2.0% Oceania
0.4% Other

11 ななしさん ID:RtTlYaxk0
You can't tell other Asian people apart from Japanese people

13 ななしさん ID:0bGAPDgr0
YOU is easy to understand
The media chooses expressions that are easy to understand over accuracy

14 ななしさん ID:MDhlfG8r0
It's not really at random so this is a given
It's obvious that black people and white people that come from countries that aren't accustomed to Japan will be prioritized

17 ななしさん ID:lcod6Rlp0
Does anyone have interest in Koreans?

29 ななしさん ID:orBtusD60
Japanese people's sense of racism as adults in society is abnormal

71 ななしさん ID:Ny8W9e2E0

【驚愕】「YOUは何しに日本へ?」の異常性がたった一枚の画像で表されてしまう 2枚目の画像です

137 ななしさん ID:5CSSzBLf0
This image is really a miraculous photo

148 ななしさん ID:/WieKrXt0
Crystal's done with facial expression www

150 ななしさん ID:iITlHgzN0
Thanks, I hate it

73 ななしさん ID:UpXdPc1j0
So that means that YOU (English word) isn't a mistake?

101 ななしさん ID:p+9ow+8xd
It's "YOU ha Nani Shini Nihon e?" so it's not a surprise that Europeans and Americans are the main interviewees

105 ななしさん ID:il4+OWJJ0
Well it's "Why did English speaking people come to Japan" so it's fine for the interviewees to be like that

110 ななしさん ID:GDxQfHROp
you ha nani shini nihon e? (ホルッ

126 ななしさん ID:flQQkHlk0
The all mighty white people praise Japan
Ahem ahem ahem ahem

177 ななしさん ID:BRp0s2q70
Did this program do so much ass kissing?

203 ななしさん ID:1dSMGl46a
Aah gross

【驚愕】「YOUは何しに日本へ?」の異常性がたった一枚の画像で表されてしまう 3枚目の画像です

【驚愕】「YOUは何しに日本へ?」の異常性がたった一枚の画像で表されてしまう 4枚目の画像です
*a bunch of videos about foreigners' reactions to Japan

216 ななしさん ID:9N+DjUuS0
I'm a right winger but this is pretty gross
The comment section is probably full of right wing kids so this is a picture of hell

222 ななしさん ID:ZozpAknBd
Those ass kissing shows usually start after a natural disaster
I wonder if these programs have increased because Japanese people lost confidence?

230 ななしさん ID:v9boGSPm0
Those Tokyo TV programs are cringey with their full throttle white person obsession

240 ななしさん ID:YriTnr820
I definitely thought that there weren't any Chinese/Korean people being interviewed

262 ななしさん ID:GsV+9TGD0'
Of course they're going to interview uncommon people
If they interview the majority then I don't think they'd get anything interesting

270 ななしさん ID:hOoTUh490
I don't understand the thoughts of people who enjoying watching these overly praising programs
I don't understand the thoughts of people who are quick to flame
It's the same thing as the debate between people who think that the reason why soccer is not broadcast as often is the doing of the baseball industry

532 ななしさん ID:Y8if1DYv0
I'm going to post a damning image

【驚愕】「YOUは何しに日本へ?」の異常性がたった一枚の画像で表されてしまう 5枚目の画像です
1. The Senegal supporters also...
2. Did the Senegal supports copy Japan?
3. "Did you look at the Japanese supporters and thought to do it?" "I don't know anything about the Japanese people"
4. "Senegal also picked up garbage and cleaned up around the stadium too"

538 ななしさん ID:yGeM8J43d
Why did they put this on air?
You can't do any praise with this

558 ななしさん ID:Xi+Xylew0
I'm deeply disgusted

562 ななしさん ID:UMf3EkqH0
This gives me the chills

652 ななしさん ID:uqZR1WpO0

【驚愕】「YOUは何しに日本へ?」の異常性がたった一枚の画像で表されてしまう 6枚目の画像です
Question: Should we take in refugees?
Against, in her 60s
From when I was young I felt that white people were from advanced countries so I had the feeling to allow it but

【驚愕】「YOUは何しに日本へ?」の異常性がたった一枚の画像で表されてしまう 7枚目の画像です
I think that Asian people have become a little unpleasant

【驚愕】「YOUは何しに日本へ?」の異常性がたった一枚の画像で表されてしまう 8枚目の画像です
This might be a problem with education but you need to obey the rules so I'm a bit uneasy

669 ななしさん ID:4qRjvONb0
T H E vulgar old hag

677 ななしさん ID:gTlQdR4g0
She just up and said the worst thing lol

685 ななしさん ID:MsPrUXx50
This is a regular Japanese person

original COME ON!!