Dana shares a first snow selca !

Article: "Wow first snow" Dana shares her innocent and milky bare face

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+345, -33] She looks like a mother who just gave birth...

2. [+91, -6] I've realized that it doesn't matter how pretty you are, you end up just like everyone else if you gain weight and don't take care of yourself. Being pretty may be all that matters in your teens and twenties but after your thirties and forties, it matters more how much you take care of yourself. Even people who were pretty and handsome when they were young just look whatever starting from their mid-thirties.

3. [+14, -3] Ajumma...

4. [+14, -3] CSJH was a group too good to waste

5. [+12, -6] She looks so average

6. [+11, -2] This is a real bare face, not like the other celebrities who wear CC cream and everything ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+10, -2] Nevermind facial features, you really don't want to gain weight if you want to look good... she looks like my homely auntie...

8. [+9, -2] I think she looks pretty, just that she gained weight

9. [+7, -0] Feels like she's purposely sharing selcas like this to dramatize the diet effect later

10. [+4, -1] She looks like she went to bed right after eating three ramens and just woke up