7 things you should do when making content to increase traffic

The facts:

Websites that use content marketing get conversions and sales 6x higher than those not (OneSpot, 2015).

The content could sell ...

.. not just as entertainment, guides, or information.

If properly utilized as a marketing medium, then - like the numbers above - sales will increase dramatically.

Is that true?

Not necessarily.

In practice, some do not feel the benefits. Many.

Already making the content, visitors arrive, but it turns out the sales remain so-so only. This is what often happens.

Not wrong system,

But incorrect content ...

Because your content is not able to sell.

In this article you will learn why people do not buy from you, and how to create content that is capable of selling.

Why do not they buy from you?

There are various reasons, of course.

Let's discuss some of them regardless of whether the product / service sold is feasible or not. And only in terms of content only.

This is important:

To create content that is able to increase sales, you have to really understand what makes website visitors decide not to buy.

3 this is the main reason ...

... all three are obstacles that you have to destroy one by one before the visitors want to turn into a customer.

1. Because not believe

Online and offline, people will not buy from unbelievable sellers.

But there is a difference.

If offline, we can see directly. The seller has a physical store and he can instantly show what's being sold in front of your eyes.

Not so online.

Everyone can create websites, even fraudsters though.

But it's still trivial ...

Convincing others that we are not frauds is easy.

The problem is that even if you are not a cheater they do not necessarily want to buy. You should be able to earn the trust as the best.

So, 2 stages.

That's why to gain trust from others you need extra effort than doing offline sales.

Fortunately, content marketing (the right one) could be the solution. Will be explained further below.

2. Not right on target

This is the most common mistake made by a digital marketing practitioner.

Just like what Groove used to be.

Groove is a help desk software. So their target market should be entrepreneurs who have problems with customer service.

Well, the problem is their blog was just talking about business development:

Although both are about business, but people looking for business development information do not need their software.

So the content is not able to increase conversions.

Though the quality of the content they make is amazing. I myself also subscribe on his blog ... but there is no intention to use the software.

Therefore, they then create a special category to discuss customer service.

Blog customer service

After the launch of this blog, their conversion increased dramatically. Revenue for each content published on the blog reached $ 1,657.25.

3. Visitors are still in passive condition

The object in silence will remain silent, unless there is a force that changes it.

That's part of Newton's legal sound.

Interestingly, humans are like that.

When in passive conditions, we will continue to be passive ... until something is making us active.

The people who are browsing the internet in the brain are passive. Read articles, see pictures, watch videos, open new tabs - and then close.

Not moving.

So, the content we create should be able to make them move.

If not then they will remain passive.

Create content that is capable of selling

Before proceeding, I suggest you read this series of content marketing guidelines.

There are 2 main functions of content in online marketing:

1) Bring in visitors, and 2) increase sales.

The first is still easy ...

... as long as the content is interesting, visitors will come after the content is promoted.

But the second needs extra attention.

In online sales, we have to go through the 3 obstacles mentioned. Because that content is just "interesting" alone may not necessarily increase sales.

Here are some things to watch out for:

1. Provide content for each stage of the sales funnel

Sales funnel or sometimes called marketing funnel is every stage that is passed by each person before deciding to make a purchase.

Let's look again at the sales / marketing funnel image:

Marketing funnel

If you search the internet, each website will display a different picture of the funnel sales from each other. Nevertheless, the point is the same.

In general there are 3 parts:

TOFU (Top of the funnel): Awareness
MOFU (Middle of the funnel): Consideration / Evaluation
BOFU (Bottom of the funnel): Purchase
The top, middle, and bottom.

Before someone decides to buy, everyone will pass through these parts.

First, they will be aware of the problem. Then weigh up the options. Lastly, decide to buy.


Content for each section is not the same.

2 things that often happen is just focus on top funnel (TOFU) and just create content for bottom funnel (BOFU).

As a result…

1. Focus on TOFU - traffic gets so much but can not sell

2. Focus on BOFU - it's hard to get traffic and loyal readers

Therefore there must be a balance.

To understand what content should be provided for each section, here's a quick explanation:

TOFU - the top of the funnel 

Content in this section is content that can be enjoyed by the public ... because the goal is to bring traffic.
Suppose you sell weight loss supplements.
The content in this section does NOT describe the advantages of the product you are selling. Not discussing and promoting products.
Instead, give exercise guides or diet to lose weight.
Another example, if you sell a house.
TOFU content contains appropriate home buying guides, choosing the right location, home design photos, and more. Content that approximately will be sought by those who want to buy a home.
So, once again ... TOFU content should be enjoyed even by those who currently do not immediately want to buy.
MOFU - the center of funnel
In this stage, the prospective buyer is in the process of comparing between one solution and the other solution to their problem.
So the topic for MOFU content is more profound.
Our main goal at this stage is to introduce that there is an easier solution to solve their problems.
And you are the solution they want.
For example:
To lose weight, they do not need to exercise half-dead or super-strict diet. With the help of the products we sell, the process becomes easier.
So, we introduce an added value.
Compared to traditional solutions or other solutions, the products / services you offer have an added value that appeals to them.
For more details, here are some examples of content types:
A case study of those who already use your product / service
Statistics / data / facts
Comparison, advantages and disadvantages
FAQ, frequently asked questions
Product demo video
Review / testimonials
Buyer's guide - guide in choosing the right product
These are just a few, and not all of them can be applied to any kind of business.
Content for MOFU is educative but also persuasive.
BOFU - the bottom of the funnel
The last stage, when someone is ready to make a purchase.
They are already educated with the problems and the right solutions. They are interested in you.
But there is still one more obstacle that prevents them from making a purchase.
Fear, or uncertainty.
That's why 100% BOFU content is persuasive, for example:
Free consultation
Trial / demo / sample
How to make a purchase
Discount or bonus
The ultimate goal is a feeling of confidence.
2. Identify the real issues to be resolved
Any good content will be useless if the content does not solve the problem from the reader completely.
Let's remember again ...
What makes a person want to make a purchase?
Because they have a problem.
But, here's what matters, making that purchase is the last option. If they can not solve their own problems.
This means:
You will not be able to influence others to buy if you have not already told them to spend money to buy.
This is especially if the general public has not been educated with your business.
For example, we sell alkaline water.
He said, this water can be antioxidants, to detox, to stay young, etc.. [1]
(One of the most well-known brands in Indonesia, Kangen Water, maybe someone has heard of it?)
But most people do not know about this product yet.
Well, if you sell this product online ...
... Will you create content about:
Understanding & benefits of the product, its types, process of manufacture, etc., or
How to prevent cancer, cleanse body toxins, how to stay young, etc.
The first?
Okay, by creating the first content we will get visitors in the form of people who are ready to buy the product.
The amount is small. 
Because not many people know and understand about the product. So most will "ignore" when reading such content.

Compare with the second.

Who need such information is MUCH more.

Comparison of 2 types of content

Although currently they do not know about the product, but through the content you can introduce it as a solution.

Because they have a problem that we can solve with the product.

That is why TOFU content must solve real problems.

3. Note the relevance between content and products / services sold

This is like the problems faced by Groove.

At first their content is not able to give a positive result because what is discussed in the content is not relevant to what is being sold.

This is one PIM reader's question:

Reader's question the relevance of the article

For example if selling office equipment, but the content published about traveling. Will the result be the same?

Definitely different!

Look ...

We want to bring in visitors, but not just any visitors. But those who do have issues that are relevant to what we sell.

If you provide travel content, then people who come are people who want to travel. Not the one who needs office supplies.

As a result, sales have not increased at all.

It makes sense right?

Content in content marketing is not just to "just exist," but to be directed to our ultimate goal. Whether it's sales or something else.

The solution: make a buyer persona

It's the solution for the above 2 and 3 numbers.

So that the content we create really solve the problem. And so that the content is right on target to people who potentially buy from us.

Talk to the right people

What is a persona buyer?

An ideal picture of our ideal buyers. What kind of people will potentially buy from you.

So for example you sell office supplies, then one of its persona buyer is a new entrepreneur who just opened office.

Do not stop there ...

... we still need to analyze more about their profile, their problems, and so on.

Everything is explained further in this content marketing strategy guide.

In the end, the content we create should focus on what issues the buyer persona faces. Thus, marketing and sales are well targeted.

4. Create practical content, easy-to-use content

Just imagine:

You're shopping at Hypermart or other supermarket ...

... then there is a salesman who offers a brand of frozen food. The salesman practiced how easy the process of cooking, after that you are welcome to try.

Must have arisen desire to buy.

This is because we have been shown "benefit" that we will receive.

Approx like that if offline.

The problem is, when they are buying online you can not practice right away. Unless you can give trial / demo to prospective buyers.

That's why we need this practical content.

Meaning: content is a guide that can be directly practiced by the reader and directly provide positive benefits for them.

(Be careful, practical does not mean simple or simple)

The best kind for this purpose is a guide, not information or news ... not just reading.
Here's why: 
Such content can solve 2 problems at once.

First, they will "move" from passive to active.

Still remember 3 reasons why someone does not buy? Especially the third.

In general people on the internet are still in a state of passivity. Hence when offered to buy they do not immediately buy.

When finished reading the content, they are still passive.

Read regular content

Practical content may be a driver.

They do not consider content just content anymore because they can do something afterwards.

It's even more important,

If the content you provide can directly benefit the reader, then in an instant you become a figure that is trusted.

Practice practical content

For example because I provide a marketing guide, then readers who feel this content is useful will assume that I am a marketing expert. So if I open marketing services, others will be more confident to buy (compared with no content at all).

So when creating content, do not explain "What" but "How".

5. Give something in exchange for something

Confusing the language

I'll explain the background first.

Dr. Robert Cialdini, a psychologist and marketing expert, in his book "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" says there are 6 principles that can be used to influence others to take action.

More on these six principles can be read in this free PDF (2 MB).
These principles are often applied by sales and marketing people.

2 of which we will use.

The first is Commitment & Consistency.

In essence, people will be more likely to commit more if they have agreed to smaller commitments before.

Spending money, making a purchase, that's a big commitment.

And we want to sell with content. Reading the content of a website does not require commitment, right? They do not need any effort.

So there is a big gap here.

Gap in content marketing

Between content with no commitment to a large commitment purchase.

So that's just content is not enough to influence them to buy.

We need something in between.

Small commitment

Examples of small commitments can be either:

Registering email
Provide a phone number
Creating a free account
Or else ... depends on your business type.

But how would they be willing to give one of them?

For that we use one more persuasion principle:

Reciprocity (reciprocity).

Others will tend to give something to us if we give them something first. For example, if we help someone then the person will feel obligated to repay the favor.

Therefore we should give them first.

For example:

Demo / trial / sample
Instead they will be more willing to give a small commitment to you.

Examples of implementation can be seen on this website.

I put email registration form in several places. You also must have seen some of them.

One type is a popup screen, this conversion ratio:

Popup conversion rate

Between 4.39% to 8.94%.

Not bad really bad, but let's look at 1 type again:

Content upgrade

Here I promise a bonus file when readers enter their email address. Conversion rate like this:

Upgrade content conversion rate
content quality.png

From 5% to 15%. Nearly 2x.

By giving something, then others will be more inclined to give us something.
6. Do email marketing

This is continued from number 5 above.

We've got "something" from them. Email, phone number, BBM PIN, LINE username, or whatever ... should be a contact to contact.

So it does not have to be an email.

(Although those who have tried would agree that email is by far the most practical)

The important thing we should be able to reach them.

And it certainly does not stop there. It's useless to get the contact but not follow up.

But it's not that easy, after getting the email we do not directly spamming sales just to their inbox.

Like this the most common error:

Provide free exchange of emails or other contacts
Then have 1000an email list
Submitted "email blast" offering the product
Report as spam ... finish
It's a big mistake.

Well, if you want to successfully sell online - then you have to reduce the process of selling it. No one likes people who always tell them to open their wallets.

... except when they are ready to buy.

That's why your main task is to condition them to be ready to buy.


We've already talked about sales funnel. There are TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU.

Content published on most websites is TOFU, its main purpose for bringing in traffic. While in email marketing, what we give to the audience is the content of MOFU and BOFU.

The process through which a prospective buyer

Back to this example, for a website that sells weight loss supplements ...

... like this roughly the process goes:

Go to website> read "how to lose weight"> register email to get bonus> go to product page> go to case study content, testimonial, or FAQ> get discount coupon> make a purchase.

Ideally like that.

But often the process stops in the middle.

That's why we need their email, so we can remind them again to continue the process.

7. Perform content analysis

If you already have the content,

Does the content generate sales?

Is this content useless?

Or is it bad?

We will not know if we do not do the analysis.

Not assuming ...

... but real data.

That's why we need to do content analysis.

Make sure which content gives you the best results, which ones are useless, and which ones are bad. Then from the results you will know what kind of content should be made in the future.

Since the topic itself is long enough to be discussed, please read our content analysis guide.

Where to start?

Those are the seven things you need to pay attention to to create content that is able to sell along with examples of the process.

If you read to this point, you are:

Have no content, just want to start
Already have content but not yet effective
For the 2nd type, please do an analysis of the existing content, then remove all content that perform poorly. But do not need to be deleted if you are not willing.

After that, including for you who type-1, please start from:

Stage 1: Create practical content. Use the ID method as a guide if you want to create quality content. Also read the guidelines on selecting the topic of this content.

Make sure the content is in TOFU (top of funnel).

Stage 2: Provide "something" that you can give to content readers to get their email. Read this list building guide.

Stage 3: Promote the newly created practical content.

Stage 4: After having traffic and email list, start pushing towards the purchase by promoting MOFU and BOFU (funnel and middle) content to them.

After that do the analysis, which content does not give positive results.

Finally, in addition, learn copywriting techniques to find out how to make a writing that is capable of selling.