Hyuna gets collarbone piercings !
-She looks so fucking cool...
-Oh, Goshㅠㅠㅠ That looks so painful
-What if it gets stuck on her bra straps or clothes? That'd be really painful
-It suits Hyuna really well, they look pretty
-It looks cute but I bet it hurts a lot... A loser like me will never dare to try that out
-H... How is that even possible?
-Hul... The piercing on my ears hurt a lot when my hair gets stuck in it, I can't believe how painful this one is. It hurts me just by looking at it.
-The scar it left will probably never fade away. The hole it left wouldn't be able to get smaller, would it?
-A friend of mine has 4 of collarbone piercings and it gives me pain just to look at itㅠㅠㅠ
-I'm sure they didn't pierce right on her bone, right...?
-Then how does she take shower...?
-I would never know that it's possible to have piercings on your collarbone if it wasn't for Hyuna
-I got goosebumps right at the second I saw it, it looks so painfulㅠㅠ
-That looks so fucking painful...