Keyword: Senior (OVERTURE 20, September 2019 ; Harada Aoi Interview) !

Harada Aoi who resumed her activity from Republic of Keyaki 2019. She interacts with the 2nd generation member long after they joined, how does she see them?

Harada-san, you met 2nd generation for the first time at Budokan in May?

Harada: That’s right. I went to visit the dressing room, but at that time I still didn’t know who’s who. After I returned in Republic of Keyaki, the number of times we meet have increased.

What impression did you have?

Harada: There was a strong impression on how bright they were. During the first year, the 1st generation were also very loud. It reminded me of the past but I also felt very apologetic to them. In Budokan, they (2nd gen) filled-in my position, and since I returned their number of appearances decreased. I had a feeling of uneasiness thinking “Is it okay for me to return?”. But (Tamura) Hono-chan who is positioned next to me in Silent Majority reached out to me with a smile. I also started to speak with Rikopi (Matsudaira Riko) since the Budokan and the night before Republic she even visited my room and the 2 of us talked until late at night. I think that it was quite fast for me to befriend the two of them.

And it seems that you rode FujiQ’s attraction with Takemoto Yui.

Harada: Yes. There was a message in the morning that those who want to ride the attractions can ride it. Even though it was raining, she was the only 2nd generation who came so we rode it together. That time we talked about various things.

Well then, did you shorten your distance with them through Republic and Summer tour?

Harada: I am not the type that starts a conversation, but there are a lot of 2nd generation members who are the type to reach out. Of course there are times where I have work with 2nd generation member, we also share the same bus together and just the other day I talked with Rikopi and (Yamasaki) Ten-chan.

What did you talk about with Yamasaki-san?

Harada: Like “What did you do before you enter Keyakizaka46?”, “What kind of job do you enjoy?”, or “Have you done your homework?”, we really talked about those kinds of normal topics.

After listening to you, you really are acting like an older sister.

Harada: Up until now, I’ve been one of the youngest in Keyakizaka46 while in real life I’m an older sister (laughs). Since long ago, I do really like to talk to people younger than me. But Ten-chan is mature, and more dependable than me. Even Takemoto-chan, Ten-chan, (Morita) Hikaru-chan, and Fujiyoshi (Karin)- chan are more mature than me despite being younger. That’s why I don’t really feel the difference in our age. Moreover, they are all better than me at dancing, though I don’t really express it strongly (laughs). I took one year break, and for some reason there’s a strong feeling that I am the junior here (laughs).

But the 2nd generation members surely asked you about something before, right?

Harada: Actually, they don’t (laughs). If it's about dance, they ask members like Yuipon (Kobayashi Yui) and Fuuchan (Saito Fuyuka). Ozeki (Rika) is kind and I often see them approaching to talk with her. So I have this stance that when they're worried or having a hard time, I am open if ever they come to me for advice or consultation.

I see. Well then, may I ask you questions about the 2nd generation members one by one? First off, Inoue Rina-san.

Harada: She has the same age as me so there is a strong feeling of familiarity. She’s a serious person, whether it’s dancing or singing, she’s always practicing and I think it’s amazing how she can turn on her switch once the song starts. But it feels that she’s still being careful around me, I want to quickly become better friends.

Next is Seki Yumiko.

Harada: She’s quiet, and has an older sister like presence. Everyone calls her “Yuminee” and she carries a lot of traits that I don’t have so I admire her. But she’s also stoic, and I admire that part as well. She has a tall figure too... (laughs).

There is a lot of tall people in 2nd generation.

Harada: That’s right! That’s why I often talk about it with Hikaru-chan like “Normally we won’t be drowned, but why are we being drowned so deep in Keyakizaka46?” (laughs).

(laughs). Well now, onto Morita-san.

Harada: Hikaru-chan really is a beauty. Perhaps it is because she has such a beautiful face. But when I saw her for the first time I thought that she had a standoffish image. But once I talked to her, she really laughs a lot. She’s also childish, like a 3 year old (laughs). One time,  (Watanabe) Risa and I teased her, “You're not really in 3rd year high school, but you're actually 3 years old, right?” (laughs).

And next, Takemoto-san and Tamura-san.

Harada: Takemoto-chan is so cute, like a mascot character! Yet, once you talk with her she’s actually serious and dependable and she’s really good at dancing. In the national tour, 2nd generation have their own dance track, she was so good that she really shined. She’s also quite put together on the inside and I think that's admirable. She's also smart and comes to me for advice on her academics. Hono-chan is really innocent and adorable, her image doesn’t change from my impression during the first time I met her. She’s bright, kind, and has a soft atmosphere that surrounds you. It's easy to open your heart to her. She's a kind that we, 1st generation, doesn’t have. Plus her dancing is sharp, and she knows how to move her body. Seeing that gap makes me think that I have to learn from her. 

Next is Fujiyoshi-san and Matsuda-san.

Harada: From the start, Karin-chan lets out this strange aura from her. I thought that she is similar to Mon-chan (Suzumoto Miyu). She is also tall, has beautiful legs and good style. She has everything that I don’t have (laughs). We talked from time to time, but it usually ends in a “Fufu...” kind of way. I hope we can be better friends. Matsuda-chan is a serious person and is like an honor student. She pays attention to what Takahiro-sensei said and always properly replies with “I understand”, and there is a lot of times when the 2nd generation members are led by her. At first I thought that she is younger than me, so I was surprised to learn that she is actually a year older.

And what about Matsudaira-san and Yamasaki-san?

Harada: From the start I thought that Rikopi is a strange person (laughs). She’s actually a negative person, but once you talk with her she’s very funny. She said that she’s a really shy person but the truth is she is clingy (laughs). From the first time I saw her, I thought that Ten-chan is truly a beauty. She looks mature, but she’s a different type from how Hirate (Yurina) was like back when she was in middle school. She’s calm, but from time to time her middle school likeness shows and I thought that it’s cute.

In the end, it really is a unique group of nine.

Harada: I know, right? But I didn’t expect to be able to talk with them so much like this in just a month. They all have  very nice personality, so that really helped. But I slightly dislike how they call me “Harada-san”. Truth is I want them to call me “Aoi-chan” or “Aoi”. And when I ask Rikopi and Ten-chan, “Why do you call me Harada-san?”, they said “Just because…” (laughs). There’s this feeling of being underestimated. Although this exchange is not something bad either (laughs). 


Translation: toomuchidea
QC: ariadne32391