Yoon Seobin handwrites apology letter !

Article: 'Kicked out for school violence controversy' Yoon Seobin handwrites apology letter "I was scared... I'm sorry"

Source: Starin via Nate

1. [+465, -9] To all you loser iljins out there, this is your future. The kids you bullied in school are going to be doing so much better than you in the real world. It's a world where they can be your boss. Your life is basically trash once you get out there in the real world.

2. [+401, -12] If he was genuine about his apology, he should be finding the victims first. He seems more apologetic towards his agency and fellow trainees than the actual victims.

3. [+303, -5] Take this article off the celebrity section, he's not a celebrity

4. [+30, -2] Once an iljin, forever an iljin. People don't change that easily.

5. [+27, -1] "I was scared every day" -> trying to gain your sympathy with emotions. "Even if I have no records or memory of it" -> if he was truly sorry, he couldn't say something like this. He's still not acknowledging it. "Instead of forgiveness, I'm just so sorry to my agency, the producers, and my trainee friends who trained with me" -> He's more sorry towards his current situation than his past. How is this an apology letter?

6. [+23, -1] What a joke, what exactly were you afraid of? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Scared of getting caught, maybe?

7. [+20, -0] The classmates you bullied were probably scared of you as well so just shut up and stay quiet

8. [+18, -0] The kids you beat were even more scared. You're only getting what you deserve now so wake up.

9. [+18, -0] If you're truly reflecting, go work hard at learning a trade or study for something else other than becoming a celebrity. No one wants to see you so don't even dream of coming back on TV.

10. [+18, -0] "Even if I have no records or memory"........... ironic how it's always the victim who remembers being beaten but never the attacker!!