Should people over 65 be not allowed to vote? !

Pann: Controversial topic in Europe

1. [+465, -37] 65 is too young. I think 80 is the right age.

2. [+226, -34] This is a nonsense ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Even Korea is becoming an extremely aged society and it's worse for Europe. Only empty-headed people would say that.

3. [+219, -200] I get their point. This claim came out during Brexit. Because the senior class supported Brexit, the progressive young class got upset and came up with the claim. We think it's a nonsense because we have a democratic government but even during Park Geun Hye's government, people wanted age over 80 to be banned from voting. And I think the minimum age to vote should be lower.

4. [+99, -2] Why do people want the minimum age to vote to be lower? If teenagers can vote, why not let elementary school kids vote, too? You think this is picking a class president?

5. [+95, -3] Then who's going to speak for the rights of seniors?

6. [+85, -0] It can't even be a joke because deprivation of vote means deprivation of citizen. It's equivalent to women not being able to vote in the past. The right to vote is the symbol of democracy. It can't be done.

7. [+61, -5] How stupid of them to think that only young adults are the future...

8. [+45, -2] Wow, we're in the generation of 120 age, so 60 is only a half of the lifetime. How can they say it's not the future?

9. [+42, -1] The politicians also need the 60 age limit. Well, they won't do their work regardless of their age anyways.

10. [+29, -1] What is this... They only see the future and not the present. The thought of taking away the right to vote from those over 60 is pathetic enough. COME ON!!