Entertainer Hyun Young gets karma for wearing white to a wedding !

Hyun Young wore this white outfit to Lee Hwi Jae's wedding

She attended the wedding as Lee Hwi Jae's guest so she was supposed to stand on Lee Hwi Jae's side (left) in the group picture. But she stood behind Lee Hwi Jae's wife for the group picture.

Later, at Hyun Young's wedding, Nancy Lang attended with a white outfit.

(Lee Hwi Jae and Hyun Young had dating rumors in 2009 which Lee Hwi Jae denied)


Pann: Wearing white at a wedding will bring you karma

1. [+435, -0] I didn't notice it when she was by herself but in the group picture, she stands out a lot. And she's standing right behind the bride...

2. [+432, -14] Our country might be sensitive over the color but I just don't get why people would wear white of all colors to a wedding ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+370, -0] Maybe she planned to stand behind the bride? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+179, -1] I think there's a drama behind this.

5. [+176, -1] She intended this ㅋㅋㅋㅋ She must've had something going on with Lee Hwi Jae.

6. [+148, -1] It's not even a white blouse. It's a tight dress. I think she intended it.

7. [+110, -5] The bride is too beautiful so Hyun Young wouldn't have been noticed if she didn't wear white. I guess she wanted to leave an impression. I hope Nancy Lang walks on a flowery path.

8. [+107, -1] Isn't this basically going to a wedding of an ex-boyfriend who cheated on you? This is a common way of revenge. Or she's a big enemy of the bride.

9. [+101, -2] So annoying how she wore white and stood behind the bride.

10. [+96, -2] Not just Hyun Young, but a lot of female celebrities seem to wear white to weddings.

11. [+85, -0] If she was wearing white, she should've stood far away from the bride. What is she doing ㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+56, -2] I have a friend who lives thoughtlessly. She had a one-night stand with a co-worker who was going to get married soon. At the co-worker's wedding, my friend wore a tight white dress showing her cleavage. What's more makjang is that the guy whispered to my friend, "I think I'll regret getting married." I want to expose who this is ㅠㅠ