The current seatings of Lai Guan Lin's fanmeeting that is going to be held tomorrow !
Out of 2000 seats (Everyone gets the chance for Hi-Touch), there are only around 550 seats left.
Fans can buy the tickets on the spot tomorrow.
-Hul, Hi-Touch for everyone...?ㅋㅋㅋ
-I bet the tickets are going to be sold-out tomorrow...
-There's no law that states idols have to sell out all of the tickets for their fanmeeting anyway... 1500 people is already a lot...
-How is he going to high-five those people alone... Wouldn't he be tired...?
-His arm would hurt so much if he really does high-five all those people...
-I wish I could go...
-That venue has the capacity of 3,000 people...
-It's shocking to hear that he's going to high-five all of the fans who attend the fanmeeting... His arms would go numb...
-All of the fans who attend the fanmeeting get to high-five Lai Guan Lin, I'm so f*cking jealous of them...ㅜㅜㅜ
-The capacity of this venue is 2,979 people. Around 3,000-ish to round it up...
-Hul... Shall I go...?
-How much is the ticket...? I'm thinking to go tomorrow...
-Wouldn't his arms just fall to the ground if he high-fives all those people...?
-He fills those 2,500 seats by himself. That's amazing!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Have fun to those who are going to go to his fanmeeting tomorrow!