Robert Holley arrested for drug use !
Article: Robert Holley arrested for Philopon use... admitted to some charges
Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Naver
1. [+4,749, -185] I honestly don't believe it?? He has no history of prior drug use, and he's a law professor, why would he suddenly use drugs? Especially as someone with three sons? Why? Is he taking the fall for his son? Why would he use drugs at this age? At his economic and social status? So weird! If he really admits to using it, then I'll be so disappointed in all of Korea's entertainment industry!!!!!
2. [+1,908, -17] Hul, this is really shocking
3. [+1,766, -66] Something smells fishy...
4. [+1,384, -80] I don't believe that he really did it... I really think the other comments are right, that he's taking the fall for someone.
5. [+804, -30] What's going on, this is shocking... I saw him on a 'Happy Together' rerun just yesterday ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
6. [+513, -7] Remember that joke he always made about how his son drives him crazy
7. [+475, -26] Could he be taking the fall for his son?
8. [+419, -4] There are usually signs you can tell from most drug users, where you go "I knew he was using~" when you find out... but it's so weird to even think of Robert Holley buying Philopon over the internet...
9. [+342, -11] A lawyer ordered drugs off the internet? ㅋㅋㅋ He's old, why would he buy it off the internet? Even youngsters don't know where to find drugs on the internet ㅋㅋ
Article: 'Drug charges' Robert Holley, "I'm sorry, I have a heavy heart"
Source: Yonhap News via Nate
1. [+458, -4] Why did you do it..
2. [+386, -6] Hul, shocking
3. [+318, -7] How in the world is he ending up in Korean jail..
4. [+94, -4] Are we really believing that a man in his sixties ordered drugs off of the internet and had it delivered to his in-law's home? Police need to investigate his sons... I really think he's taking the fall for him, but that's a crime in itself too. You can't raise your son like that, no wonder he's a mess.
5. [+86, -3] I'm getting the feeling that he's sacrificing himself for his son. It just makes no sense, he's an international lawyer... Why would he leave evidence by ordering off of the internet? He's not even good with computers. He probably has celebrity contacts that could personally get him drugs if he really wanted it..;
6. [+86, -3] Just knowing who he is, I can't even imagine this... I remember he talked about how his son was giving him a headache... could it be the son ㅠㅠ
7. [+62, -4] Is he shielding his son...?
8. [+44, -3] If it really is his son who did the drugs and he's taking the fall for him, this is not a proper way of parenting. You can't fix a druggie.