The male idol who looks 180 degrees different with short hair and long hair !
is SF9's Hwiyoung, who's in charge of being the rapper. (SKY Castle Woojoo's group)
He said he's going to keep his long hair for a couple of promotions,
and also said he's going to cut it for their next comebackㅜㅜ
-Hul.. He's really handsome..
-Hul.. I think he looks a little bit like Kim Jaewook..
-Hul.. I'm in love..
-Hwiyoung with long hair..ㅠㅠ I will never be able to move on from his long hair. He's so freaking handsome..
-I personally hope he would keep his long hair.. There's no one who rocks long hair as well as he does..
-He somehow looks like the mixture of Kim Jaewook and Park Hyoshin..
-I really love Hwiyoung's long hair, though..
-He looks beautiful with that long hair..
-He seriously suits long hair really well..
-Whoa, hul.. His image totally looks different depending on the length of his hair..
-Don't cut your hair short..
-Is he that guy who appeared in High School Rapper..?
-I can slightly see Nam Joohyuk in him.. He's really handsome..
-I think he looks amazing with long hair..
-Younggyun, you look handsome either way..ㅠㅠ