Kakizaki Memi notes and images 2019.03.15 -- MVs, gravure, Memi's father !

So this is what having an actual single means: so many pics and bits of info are rolling in right now -- and no Memi blog post -- so I'll post things I've found here and there: in Memi's 5channel support thread, on Twitter, etc.

Pics from the Memi-Kyouko gravure in EX Taishuu magazine (on sale 15 March):

Other upcoming magazines:
BLT Hinatazaka feature (23 March)
Weekly Shounen Champion (28 march)
UTB+ magazine (9 April) -- Memi-Miho-Hinano feature! "Memihonano," as a 5ch poster put it.

In the Tokimekisou MV, there is a sequence where Memi takes a photo of a pile of discarded flowers. This is a more-or-less direct reference to her father, Kakizaki Junichi, an internationally known modern artist who works with flowers and other vegetation.

Here are a couple of pics of Junichi-san's own work, "Evil Graveyard" and "Fallen Camellia":

We have known for at least two years that he was probably her father, and he has dropped small hints now and then. But in his Twitter he posted pics of the outside of Yokohama Arena, site of the Debut Countdown Lives, with his daughter's photo framed by the branches of a tree:

And now he has retweeted the tweet from the mayor of Saku City Nagano, telling the world that the Kyun MV's outdoor scenes were done at the city's athletic ground.

The indoor and plaza scenes were also done in Nagano, at  Suwa Tokyo University of Science.

Posts from Memi's support thread on 5channel:
"The day has come when such a super idol appears from the idol wasteland of Nagano...."
"Is Memi-chan an actual goddess?"
"Memi seems to have a strong constitution. Last year during the summer tour, Magia Record, Zambi, and the Christmas lives, members were dropping one after the other, but Memi did not fall."
"She seems like a fairy, a doll, a princess -- but in fact she is a wild child who grew up in the mountains of Nagano..."
"The Tiger of Nagano."
"The Nagano Fairy..."

Here's a brief morning-show TV feature about the Debut Countdown Live, with Kumi, Mirei, Nao, Katoshi and Memi. It starts with scenes from the shows, then there is a brief and playful interview session with the girls:

As another post on 5ch says: "Katoshi's serious face; Memi's burikko performance; Mii-pan's tsukkomi jokes -- in such a short space of time, they were so funny." In the interview itself, when Memi did her first wink, one of the hosts burst out "cuuute" in the background. Another post; "To call a group of entertainers 'a collection of individualists' is the highest praise you can give."

To get back to Memi's father, in his Twitter account, he always gives each post twice: once in Japanese and once in English. He generally posts about art exhibitions, travels, etc. Numerous Memi fans follow his account, and I think he has decided to take advantage of the numbers: mutual aid between parent and child, lol.

In a recent post, he showed a pic of some beans he saw in a North African open market in Paris, and asked if anyone knew what they were. The answer came quickly: Kola nuts.

I have often been surprised at how few magazine features Memi gets. I have wondered if her parents demanded restraint after her first feature, when she was only 14, which seemed to me, and perhaps to them, to be a bit too revealing. But now we have a rush of features, including that Kyouko-Memi feature at the top of this post. Maybe papa and mama have decided she's old enough now. Maybe papa and mama even approve of her burikko act, lol.

Posters are surprised and impressed when they learn who her father is. They didn't expect such a distinguished person. They wonder if he is rich. Um, he's an artist. Income may come in big bursts, but it is irregular. I suspect the family is comfortable but not rich. Her mother continues to work in the Kakizaki family flower shop, apparently.

Here's a fan's informative summary of what was known about Junichi-san (whom 5ch posters call "Memi Papa" or "Father-in-law"):
-- the guy from the Showroom audition (note: it was probably he who made some posts on 2ch in support of his daughter)
-- the person his daughter was in her rebellious phase against on KeyaKake
-- the person who goes mushroom hunting with his daughter
-- the  person whose LINE messages his daughter ignores
-- the one who makes rice omelette for his daughter
-- the world-renowned flower artist to whom Sweden entrusts national festivals
-- the person whom fans are hoping to see on a date with his daughter on GanaOshi.

Here's an oldish pic of him, as well as a pic of his then-15-year-old daughter on a mountain-vegetable-gathering expedition with him in 2017:

And here are various recent photos -- unfortunately not including the wonderful shots from Keyaki Message, which are not supposed to be reposted. First, here are some stills from the Tokimekisou MV:

A 1940s glamour girl in the group:

With Ishimori Nijika of Keyakizaka:

With her friend Suzuka-chan:

With her friend Miho:

In a coup for Hinatazaka, they are running a promotion with the big Shibuya 109 fashion mall. Here's one of the things you can buy: a bag with drawings by all the members.  Memi's drawing is sharp and amusing, as usual, as as befits the former president of the art club and the daughter of an artist. Note the two sets of ears, and the wink

 From the Joyful Love MV:

New images from the Keyaki no Kiseki game. Big positive reaction from fans: