Sulli gets excited over her friend Mimi's autograph !

Article: Sulli looks excited over autographs "Mimi did it for me"

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+474, -166] She used to be pretty before but now all her hair's falling out like a cancer patient

2. [+446, -62] No bra again, not that I'm complaining

3. [+424, -37] Not wearing a bra is good for your chest health

4. [+61, -5] She is so not normal

5. [+51, -4] Why does she get uglier by the day

6. [+30, -1] Must be nice living a makjang life and still being rich enough...

7. [+26, -0] She's got a kimchi stain on her shirt

8. [+25, -1] She's like a fish with her swollen eyes and the dark circles from all that drinking~ and of course, always with the nipples ㅋㅋㅋ


Source: Naver

1. [+405, -82] It's her personal right to wear it or not wear it.. Don't feel like you have to just because you're a woman.

2. [+246, -31] So what if she's not wearing a bra

3. [+205, -29] Did I see that right

4. [+168, -67] Why wear a tank top at all..? Why should other people outside be subjected to looking at her like this?

5. [+73, -4] Sure, I get not wearing a bra... I remember even 20 years ago, I saw a lot of people in Australia not wear one. But since then, I've gone to Europe and most places and even they'll at least have the decency to keep their nipples covered. I don't think it's fair that she thinks all that matters is that she's comfortable without considering the eyes of others. Imagine if a man was walking around in leggings, people would point fingers at him too. I want to support her personal rights but she's a public figure and this is not something she should be doing. It was cute the first couple times but now it seems like she's just doing it to piss people off.. She's just a mess, let's put it that way.

6. [+49, -7] Please put a bra on, you attention wh*re

7. [+34, -9] Why does this b*tch not cover up? She's not good at anything, not singing or acting or looking pretty. All she has to show off for herself is her nipples. Imagine if a man was walking around with tight pants that showed the exact shape of his private part? Are you guys going to say it's his right to do so like Sulli? Sulli needs to stop posting these pictures and start showing herself through her skills, not her nipples.

8. [+31, -6] I still can't get used to it... There are so many thin bras on the market now... ㅜㅠ She's not the only one living in this world so can she please put one on?
