Burning Sun CEO Lee Mun Ho releases statement !

Article: Burning Sun CEO Lee Mun Ho, "Sorry to cause concern... it hurts my heart to see the criticisms against my friend Seungri"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+2,601, -40] Aigoo Lee Mun Ho-ssi, this is quite the speedy statement from you, isn't it ㅋㅋㅋ how about you shut that fake mouth of yours~

2. [+2,354, -99] Jae In-ah, let's get down to the root of all this cozy business between them and the police

3. [+2,220, -35] Such a long-winded statement basically talking about bullsh*t. I hope Burning Sun goes bankrupt.

4. [+135, -6] Did he get paid off by Seungri to take the blame for everything?

5. [+114, -1] He must be feeling the fire under his feet now that the investigative show is on his trails...

6. [+111, -0] You should be feeling sorry to the victim Kim who was assaulted by not only your club director but again to the police and forced to take the blame!!

7. [+106, -0] I still can't forget the Katalk conversations, talking about hot girls being targeted and guards being sent out to secure them. How the VIP room is made of glass walls, how the staff shared information of certain rooms having sex, how they took hidden photos of a woman who was out of it with her skirt up. Dispatch won this battle.

8. [+106, -7] If he's the CEO, shouldn't he be suing Seungri for going around on TV and acting like he ran the whole thing himself? ㅠㅠ

9. [+81, -0] Anyone who's been to your Instagram will know what a dirty life you live

10. [+65, -0] I went to his Instagram, how does he know so many celebrities? I can just consider them all birds of a feather, right?


Article: Burning Sun CEO, "Seungri did NOT involve himself in the business... we will comply with investigations"

Source: YTN via Naver

1. [+1,816, -158] Don't bother with the media play, we won't believe you anyway

2. [+1,290, -166] Enough with the bullsh*t, please throw him in jail anyway. He claims to have resigned from the club to enlist in the army and yet he's still running his Aori ramen businesses?

3. [+758, -52] Please investigate not only Seungri but Burning Sun and Arena too

4. [+486, -171] Seungri needs to be put in jail

5. [+222, -55] I want to know why Seungri's mother was on the business registration as an inspector. So was he lying the whole time on 'I Live Alone' when he was talking about opening his own club and how he's not like the other celebrity CEOs?

6. [+118, -13] Seems like he's only releasing his statement now because he got some hotshot lawyer to write it up for him... It's been such a long time since the scandal broke out, why only now? If he was so confident in his stance, he would've put out a statement right away to prevent further harm to his friend Seungri's image..

7. [+126, -46] Such eloquently worded bullsh*t

8. [+143, -64] He didn't involve himself with the business? So he was out on TV scamming everyone?


Source: Naver

1. [+1,071, -43] Look at the CEO groveling on the floor for Seungri~~ "long time friend" when they actually met as club MD and client ㅋㅋ.. he talks like they've known each other for 10 years. There are more than one testimonies to the rape and drug usage in the club. He can try to deny it all all he wants but he'll basically be trying to cover the sky with his bare hand...

2. [+860, -28] He thinks Seungri is the most hurt in all this? Not the victim Kim-ssi?

3. [+431, -20] What a joke ㅋ He only put out a statement to defend Seungri and yet he has no explanation on all the Katalk chats right now ㅋ

4. [+132, -2] Seungri's quote from episode 236 of 'I Live Alone', "People assume that when celebrities start businesses, that they just let the store borrow their name and face, but I'm not like that. I do everything myself. Otherwise your customers don't trust you."

5. [+85, -1] Enough with the Seungri defense, we already saw his name on the business registration along with his mother

6. [+73, -2] This is what Seungri has been giving you a wage all along for, to take the fall for him ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+61, -0] But the inspector is listed as his mother ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+46, -0] "Best friend"? You met Seungri when he was your client and you were the MD and that's how you got your life started ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Article: Burning Sun reps, "Drug and rape suspicions are not true, we'd shut the club down if they were"

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+4,263, -34] Looks like you're going to have to shut it down yet

2. [+3,471, -30] What a joke

3. [+3,120, -26] Pfft ㅋㅋ He's trying so hard

4. [+244, -1] Burning Sun has nothing to be scared of when they have YG and the police on their side. Korea is a mess now. All of YG, Yang Hyun Suk, and the police involved in this deserve to be demolished.

5. [+237, -0] Of course the club needs to be shut down, and you need to go to jail too. Dispatch has latched on to this scandal and the investigative show is on your trails, how many more facts do you need to be hit with before you wake up?.. ㅋ

6. [+172, -0] There's already traces on Facebook of your staff calling your VIP room bathrooms "the location of love"

7. [+109, -2] You think shutting the club down is enough? You all need to be thrown in jail if these accusations are true.;

8. [+92, -0] Your ex-employees already released your Katalks...

9. [+72, -0] If the accusations are true, just shutting the club down won't be enough

10. [+70, -0] Well duh it should be shut down, but the CEO, directors, MDs, and VIPs, and the police all need to go to jail too for everything from drug supply to filming videos of the rape as well.


Article: 'Seungri club' Burning Sun CEO, "I apologize for the assault scandal... but the majority are unfounded rumors"

Source: Herald POP via Naver

1. [+1,910, -34] That's enough, just comply with investigations. Too bad there's no way of knowing how much of the evidence you've already trashed and who you paid off to match their stories with you ㅋㅋ You, Seungri, the police, YG, and Naver are all trash.

2. [+1,451, -18] The police are suspiciously quiet right now

3. [+477, -7] Naver, can you please leave the articles alone? How many are you taking down already, tsk

4. [+312, -34] There's no point in you taking the blame for everything, just grab Seungri's hand and head to jail together~!!

5. [+140, -2] Burning Sun's ex-employee said to Sports Today on the 30th, "Seungri is not a CEO only in name. He was one of the many who were involved in the business" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+107, -3] Exile Seungri from the industry and boycott both YG and Seungri's ramen business

7. [+76, -2] Does he really think we're dumb enough to believe this? If Seungri didn't run the business himself, why was his mother registered in the business? It was basically family-run.. and both of them resigned as soon as the scandal happened. As if he resigned for the army..

8. [+44, -2] I heard Yang Hyun Suk was giving scholarships to students in journalism and law. One already became a journalist and works at OSEN.


Article: Burning Sun CEO, "I'm long time friends with Seungri, all he did was consulting for us"

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+1,657, -37] He's really just talking a bunch of bullsh*t

2. [+1,001, -55] Sigh, this young ba$tard Seungri is really taking the public for fools

3. [+434, -13] You took all that time... to say this... do you think we're dumb enough to believe that? ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+184, -2] He used to be a bouncer at Arena.. I don't know how much Seungri invested in him but if you look at his Instagram, he already posted pictures of his Rolls Royce and Richard Mille watch... He's also close with drug-dol Cha-ssi, actually tons of other celebrities and famous figures, even though his account is on private right now. I'm sure investigations will reveal where the source of his money is from. Burning Sun needs a tax audit.

5. [+88, -1] Your friend went around running his mouth on TV for us to believe that now ^^;;

6. [+69, -3] There's already another Burning Sun video out. It's a 40 second clip of a female guest in the bathroom m*sturbating... Is he still going to deny things??