Seventeen Dokyeom spotted sitting on a seat dedicated for pregnant women !

Pann: First Korean male idol to be pregnant

1. [+618, -96] Honestly, you can't shield him for sitting there. Pregnant women's seats should always be left empty.

2. [+414, -26] The comments are too severe. I'm amazed at people's public manners ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You would sit on the seat and a pregnant woman would have to ask uncomfortably, "Excuse me, I'm pregnant so could you please..." That's not a good manner. I'm sure the pregnant woman feels very uncomfortable for asking you and yet you would feel proud of yourself for giving up your seat for them. The reason why those seats should always be left empty is because pregnant women should be able to sit on those seats without uncomfortably asking others to move. Do you not see the purpose? There are even people who refuse to give up seats when being asked. You guys need to wake up.

3. [+392, -10] Seventeen

4. [+205, -7] Ah... The fans' desperate shield... They should just admit it cooly.

5. [+165, -7] Ugh... I can never bring myself to sit on those seats.

6. [+146, -19] Wow, the comments are insane ㅋㅋㅋㅋ There should be something obvious to spot a pregnant woman? How much do you want to embarrass pregnant women? The fact that those seats exist shows that people have no sense of public manners.

7. [+129, -226] I also think those seats should be left empty but people are still divided over "you can give up your seat later" vs. "you should never sit on them in the first place". It's not like there's a correct answer and we don't know the situation of the train, so I don't think we should criticize him blindly. It's an old picture, too. In the past, people agreed that you can give up your seat later. I don't even know who he is, by the way.

8. [+105, -7] Those who say they can give up their seat later must have eyes of a hawk. You can't tell pregnant women who are in the early stage of pregnancy. Also, it's not like you'd sit there and watch out for a pregnant woman. You'd look at your phone and you won't even notice if there's a pregnant woman. You should never sit there in the first place. I'm saying this as a someone who's never sat on senior seats and pregnant women's seats. COME ON!!