New logos of luxury fashion brands !

Pann: New logos of luxury fashion brands that are getting negative responses

1. [+305, -4] I feel so bad for Yves Saint Laurent and Burberry

2. [+292, -3] I saw someone asking on Twitter if the brands stopped paying for premium fonts ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+209, -5] Also Calvin Klein. It's such a waste.

4. [+182, -0] It's like the unique colors of the brands are gone. They all look the same. Honestly, the logos of luxury brands look cool but the new ones killed the coolness.

5. [+110, -0] Burberry's logo was so much better before.

6. [+107, -1] The reason why the brands are moving towards a new font is because they're not focusing on their traditional designs anymore. These days, street fashion is the trend so all brands including Balenciaga and Burberry are hiring new designers to create street fashion items. They think their old-style fonts are limiting the designs they can create. Proud brands like Hermes and Chanel still have big brand power but other brands went through hard times and realized that designers who can catch up on the trend have more power than the power of the brand itself. The brands are putting more values on profits. It's a new movement of adopting the sans-serif font to show that they'll pursue a variety of designs not limited to their traditional styles.

7. [+91, -1] Isn't Celine the biggest one... Their unique color disappeared and even the pronunciation could change.

8. [+90, -0] Are they the same font?

9. [+70, -2] YSL was what made Yves Saint Laurent look cool but they're getting rid of it... Stupid ㅠㅠ

10. [+68, -0] Those who don't know about the logo change must be thinking it's a fake item.