Yeeun reveals she cried while watching 'Kim Ji Young Born 1982' !

Article: Ha:tfelt Yeeun "I cried a lot" while watching 'Kim Ji Young Born 1982'

Source: MK Sports via Nate

1. [+1,691, -310] Here's an article that'll make you cry tears of blood! (summary of article on Yeeun's father's scam and a woman alleging that he molested her)

2. [+1,567, -740] I actually found what the anchorwoman said yesterday to be more relatable

3. [+1,521, -653] Women want understanding but it's one-sided. When men talk about their own difficulties, they're shot back with "all men should be able to handle that, no?" It's hypocritical. What if the same was said to women? Then they'd call men pathetic and cowardly.

4. [+156, -53] It's just hilarious to me that the movie is about women who were born around '82 but that's when things were totally great for women ㅋㅋㅋ and when you bring that up, they all start bringing up their mothers in their fifties and sixties ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+114, -35] I would totally understand if the generation of our mothers in their 50s and 60s were relating to this movie but I have no idea what women in their 20s and 30s who grew up with all sorts of perks and rights are relating to this movie for... I'd get it if women were at least saying that they were relating to the discrimination their mothers received in their generation but our current one???

6. [+95, -30] I went to see this with my girlfriend.. and what I found ridiculous was that we were in an elevator with a mother and her daughter and the mother asked her why she was crying while watching it. Then the daughter replied that it's a movie that any woman could relate to. I would've understood if it was the mother who was crying but it seemed a bit ridiculous to see the daughter crying when she hasn't suffered any of that discrimination. It just seems like people are trying to force themselves to be a victim in a narrative that isn't theirs. In the movie, I could maybe see the fear of hidden cameras being something current women could relate to(?)

7. [+86, -24] Well, Yeeun would cry tears of blood if she tried life as a man...

8. [+85, -23] I will understand 100 times over if married women were the ones relating to this movie but it's always the younger feminists who grew up receiving all sorts of benefits and wealth. Have they ever tried raising children with both parents working jobs? Have they ever been discriminated at a job interview? Honestly, isn't it ridiculous that young, unmarried celebrities are acting like they relate to this plight at all?

9. [+72, -15] Yeeun's a representative feminist among celebrities

10. [+69, -15] Well I wonder how many tears were shed by the victims of her father

11. [+63, -16] Was it really necessary to cry over this movie, though?? What an overreaction. Someone should go make a movie about Saudi women born in 1982. Unable to get jobs, can't walk the streets without men, covered up...

12. [+45, -8] What a joke, this b*tch hasn't even had children or even gotten married so what is she relating to?