U-KISS Hoon pleads for justice for his young relative in coma !

Article: U-KISS Hoon, "The elementary schooler who suffered a brain death from the Junnam Mokpo assault is my family... I'm so upset"

Source: TV Report via Nate

"A child from Junnam Mokpo was assaulted by a peer from Seohae Elementary School and is in a coma now from death now... Doctors say that even if he regains consciousness, his brain will be at a 3-4 year old's level. I heard that the abuser's family was standing outside the emergency room laughing and talking... and I'm so angered and upset. The child in a coma is my family... My family hasn't been able to get detailed investigations involved because it involves children, and they have not been able to receive any consolation at all.. I'm so sad.. An assault between elementary schoolers is still assault.. the situation is so severe.. and yet no prosecution is possible.. And the school isn't taking any action because they're scared it'll make their students anxious.. I'm so upset.. I hope my family is no longer hurt.. For now, I just hope that he regains consciousness.."

1. [+3,720, -17] Abolish the juvenile laws

2. [+3,594, -11] The abuser's parents were laughing in front of the emergency room? Are they human? They won't get it until their own son suffers the same fate, sigh

3. [+3,009, -19] Elementary schoolers or not, you should be fully investigated and punished no matter how young you are

4. [+93, -1] Just how do you raise a kid to turn out to be such a devil???

5. [+91, -0] Gotta start by beating the crap out of the abuser's parents. You can't let kids like this just go.

6. [+85, -1] If the law prevents people from prosecuting children, then it should allow us to prosecute their parents!!!

7. [+66, -1] We really need to abolish the juvenile laws... kids these days are so scary ㅋㅋ;;;;;;

8. [+54, -1] We really have to stop letting kids off easy just for being young..

9. [+46, -0] I wish we were allowed to go after the parents instead of letting kids get off for being minors. What do you expect from a kid of such parents?

10. [+41, -1] That choding's basically a murderer but he's going to get off for free just for being young.. what a country...